Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Bill Gates Speech -- "What They Don't Teach You In College"

Everyone knows that Bill Gates is the CEO and Chairman of Microsoft, the worlds largest personal-computer software company. But what most people don't know about him is the path that led him to his success. It took seventeen years for Bill Gates to get someone to accept his product. Can you imagine being rejected for seventeen years? Time and time again people told him that, "The world has no need for a personal-computer." But he continued pursuing his dream even through the face of rejection. Good thing he did! Because today, the world revolves around computers and it was his idea that gave current technology it's framework. It makes sense why Bill Gates is now ranked as the number four most powerful person by Forbes Magazine.

Emery College recognized his struggles and successes and they asked him to be their keynote speaker for their graduating class. He told the graduating class he felt it was his duty to educate them on certain things that college would not teach them about the real world.

1.  Life's not fair, get used to it.
2.  The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world wants you to accomplish something before you
     feel good about yourself.
3.  If you thought your teachers and professors were tough, wait until you have a boss.
4.  Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity, your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping,
     they called it opportunity.
5.  If you mess up, it's not your parents fault, or your teachers fault, or your friends fault, it's yours. Don't
     whine about your mistakes, learn from them and move on.
6.  Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now, they got that way from paying
     your bills, washing your clothes, and listening to you talk about how cool you are. Appreciate them now
     and remember it's going to be your job to take care of them some day!
7.  Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life has not. Some schools have abolished
     failing grades and give you multiple chances, this does not resemble real life.
8.  Life is not divided into semesters, there are no summers off, and very few employers are interested in
     helping you find yourself. You'll have to do that on your own time.
9.  The way it looks on TV is not real life! In real life people have to leave the coffee shop and get real jobs!
10. Be nice to nerds, chances are you'll end up working for one someday!
11. You will not make $60,000 right out of college. You have to work for that.

Bill Gates focuses on the ideals of delayed gratification. There is no substitute for hard work.

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